Pamela Barone

Bachelor degree in Psychology. National University of Córdoba, Argentina
Master in Human Cognition and Evolution. University of the Balearic Islands, Spain.
PhD, Human Cognition and Evolution, cum laude. University of the Balearic Islands, Spain.
Thesis: Intentional interaction and theory of mind: A second personal approach. Supervisor: Prof. Antoni Gomila.
Contact information:
Research interests & topics
Mental attribution – False belief task – Minimal interaction – Personhood – Intersubjectivity – Second Person Perspective

Book chapters

  • Barone, P. & Gomila, A. (2019). Interacción intersubjetiva y persona: ¿son los chimpancés sujetos morales? In Aguilera, B; Lecaros, A. & Valdés, E. (Eds.), Ética animal: Fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y dimensión práctica, pp. 89 – 108. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas. ISBN-13: 978-848-46-8772-6
  • Isern Más, C. & Barone, P. (2015) La importancia de la mirada social en la comprensión de la mente ajena. In X Boletín de Estudios de Filosofía y Cultura Manuel Mindán, 159 – 168. Calanda, Spain: Fundación Mindán Manero. ISSN: 1699-5244
  • Barone, P. (2013) Lectura de la mente en chimpancés: respuestas al problema lógico a partir de evidencia reciente. In Severgnini, H; Morales, J.G; Ravinovich, D.L. (Eds.), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia: Selección de Trabajos de las XXIII Jornadas, Vol. 19, pp. 37-44. ISBN 978-950-33-1073-1
  • Barone, P. (2010) La comprensión de los demás como agentes: evidencia de competencias mentalistas en primates no humanos. In García, P. y Masslo, A. (Eds.) Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia: Selección de Trabajos de las XX Jornadas. Vol. 16, pp. 53 – 61. ISBN 978-950-33-081

Oral presentations

  • Minimal Interaction (in the talk ‘What the Second Perspective on Mental Attribution is not?’); Escuela de Verano en Cognición, Vida e Interacción; 10th-12th July 2017, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Intention attribution in marmosets: a response to the ‘logical problem’? (co-author); 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); 14th-17th July 2015, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Commentator of the conference Extensive Enactivism: Why Keep it All in? presented by Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong); III Workshop Agency, Rationality and Normativity; 9th-11th October 2014; Madrid, Spain.
  • False Belief Attribution in Pre-linguistic Infants? (co-author); 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); 16th-19th September 2014; Noto, Italy
  • ¿Son sujetos morales los primates no humanos? (co-author) (in the symposia “Animales: estética, ética y política”); I Congreso Internacional de la Red Española de Filosofía, 3rd-5th September 2014; Valencia, Spain.
  • La importancia de la mirada social en la comprensión de la mente ajena (co-author); Workshop Mente y Cognición, perspectivas actuales, 1st-3rd July 2014; Calanda, Spain.

Poster presentations

  • Barone, P.*, Wenzel, L.*, Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. Do young children ascribe false belief or ignorance in an interactive change-of-location task? Poster presented at 10th annual Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD), January 2020, Budapest, Hungary. (*shared first authorship)
  • Barone, P.*, Wenzel, L.*, Proft, M. & Rakoczy, H. A new interactive task to study early false belief understanding. Poster presented at the European Conference for Cognitive Science (EuroCogSci); September 2019, Bochum, Germany. (*shared first authorship)
  • Barone, P.; Larrode, D.; Bedia, M. & Gomila, A. The minimal Turing test: reciprocal contingencies for interaction detection; socSMCs conference ‘Social cognition in humans and robots’; September 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Barone, P.; Larrode, D.; Bedia, M. & Gomila, A. The minimal Turing test: reciprocal contingencies for interaction detection; 26th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); September 2018, Rijeka, Croatia.
  • Barone, P. & Gomila, A.  Infant’s Performance in Spontaneous-Response False Belief Tasks: Review of Paradigms and Results; The 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP 2017); 29th August – 1st September, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Barone, P. & Gomila, A. Infants’ performance in spontaneous-response False Belief Tasks: a Review of Paradigms and Results;Spring School 2017: Social Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action; 6th-10thMarch 2017, Bochum, Germany.
  • Barone, P. & Gomila, A. The Developmental Paradox of Belief Understanding: an Interactive Dual-process solution; 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); 10th-14th September 2016, St Andrews, Scotland. Awarded with the prize for best poster presentation.
  • Barone, P. & Gomila, A. The case for non-human primates as persons; 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); 14th-17th July 2015, Tartu, Estonia.

Research stays

  • August-December 2018. Short Research stay as a PhD Student. Department of Cognitive Developmental Psychology, University of Göttingen, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Hannes Rakoczy.
  • February-May 2016. Short Research stay as a PhD Student. Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Supervisor: Prof. Vasudevi Reddy.

SANTANDER-UIB Award to the best PhD students, 2015.