The Human Aesthetic (and Moral) Nature

Symposium on preference for curvature

Tenemos el placer de anunciar el simposio “The Human Aesthetic (and Moral) Nature: The preference for curvature”. El evento, organizado por nuestro grupo de investigación EVOCOG-IFISC/UIB, tendrá lugar el 17 y 18 de diciembre de 2014 en la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Palma de Mallorca (España). Este simposio está financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (Ref. FFI2010-20759 – “La naturaleza moral y estética humana. Caracterización sistemática de los rasgos derivados humanos de moral y estética (2011-2014)“).


Wednesday, 17 of December.

–       Why a symposium on preference for curvature?
–       An evolutionary perspective of preference for curvature.
Enric MunarJaume Rosselló (University of the Balearic Islands)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break.

–       Experimental methods to study aesthetics in great apes at Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Center.
Matthias Allritz (Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology).
–       Common Visual Preference for Curved Contours in Humans and Great Apes.
Gerardo Gómez-Puerto (University of the Balearic Islands).

13:30-15:00 Lunch.

–       Preference for curvature and art painting: some data.
Javier Vañó (University of Balearic Islands) & Robert Pepperell (Cardiff Metropolitan University).
–       Contour and Architecture: Data from Designers.
Oshin Vartanian (University of Toronto).
–       What Moderators Reveal: Personality, Art Expertise, and Preference for Curved Objects.
Paul Silvia (University of North Carolina)
Thursday, 18 of December.

–      The many reasons to like smooth contours.
Marco Bertamini (University of Liverpool).
–      The cognitive neuroscience of contour preference.
Moshe Bar (Bar-Ilan University, Israel).

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break.

–       EVA’s take on curvature, aesthetics, preference, and evolution.
Martina Jakesch & Marcos Nadal (University of Vienna)
–       Affective responses to dance: rounded body shapes and motions.
Frank Pollick (University of Glasgow), Antoni Gomila (University of the Balearic Islands) & Julia F. Christensen (University College London).

13:30-15:00 Lunch.

–       Simple ideas. What can we do about the preference for curvature from the neuroimaging studies?
Zaira Cattaneo (Universtiy of Milano-Bicocca) .
–       Summarizing and future ideas.
Marcos Nadal (University of Vienna)

20:00 Closing Dinner. Restaurant Es Baluard Museum. Art Contemporary Museum of the Balearic Islands.

The Symposium will take place at the the IFISC building 215 Meeting Room (2nd floor)

Archivos de las presentaciones

  • Why a symposium on preference for curvature?  An evolutionary perspective of preference for curvature by Enric Munar & Jaume Rosselló (pdf)
  • Common Visual Preference for Curved Contours in Humans and Great Apes by Gerardo Gómez-Puerto (prezi).
  • Preference for curvature and art painting: some data by Javier Vañó & Robert Pepperell (pdf).
  • What Moderators Reveal: Personality, Art Expertise, and Preference for Curved Objects by Paul Silvia (pdf)
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Organizers: Enric Munar & Albert Flexas