Emilio López-Navarro

Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
Master’s Degree in Human Evolution and Cognition
PhD Student in Human Evolution and Cognition
English Certificate IELTS: C1
Contact information:
Email: emilio.lopez@uib.es
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emilio_Lopez-Navarro
Personal & Professional summary 
Research interests & topics
Mindfulness, attention, psychosis, executive functions, experimental psychopathology, transdiagnostic processes

PhD Thesis

Person-Centered Approximation to Psychoses: Effectiveness and Outcomes


López-Navarro, E.  (2018). Contributions of executive functions components to affective and cognitive Theory of Mind in outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Psychiatry Research. 269, 124-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.08.018
López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Mayol, A., Fernández-Alonso, O., & Munar, E. (2018). Psychotic symptoms and quality of life: A mediation analysis of daily-life coping. Psychiatry Research. 262, 505-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.09.034
– Gili, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., Castro, A., Homar, C., Navarro, C., García-Toro, M.,…& Roca, M. (2016). Gender differences in mental health during the economic crisis. Psicothema. 28(4), 407-413. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2015.288
Lopez-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Belber, M., Mayol, A., Fernández-Alonso, O., Lluis-Reig, J., & Munar, E. (2015). Mindfulness improves psychological quality of life in community-based patients with severe mental health problems: a pilot randomized clinical trial. Schizophrenia Research, 168(1-2), 530-536. DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2015.08.016
– Roca, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., Vives, M., García-Campayo, F. J., Monzón, S., & Gili, M. (2015). Cognitive impairment in remitted and non-remitted patients: a longitudinal comparison between first and recurrent depression. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 25(11), 1991-1998. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.07.020
– Roca, M., Vives, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., Garcia-Campayo, J., & Gili, M. (2015). Cognitive impairments and depression: a critical review. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 43, 187 – 193
– Roca, M., Monzón, S., Vives, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., Garcia-Toro, M., Vicens, C.,…& Gili, M. (2015). Cognitive function after clinical remission in patients with melancholic and non-melancholic depression: a 6 month follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 171, 85-92. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.09.018i
– Gili, M., Magallón, R., Lopez-Navarro, E., Roca, M., Moreno, S., Bauzá, N., & García-Campayo, J. (2014). Health related quality of life changes in somatising patients after individual versus group cognitive behavioural therapy: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 76(2), 89-93. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2013.10.018
– Gili, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., Homar, C., Castro, A., Garcia-Toro, M., Llobera, J., & Roca, M. (2014). Psychometric properties of Spanish version of QIDS-SR16 in depressive patients. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 42(6), 292-299.
– Gómez-Juanes, R., Gili, M., Roca, M., Castro, A., Lopez-Navarro, E., Crespí, C., … & Garcia-Toro, M. (2014). Prescripción de ejercicio físico en la Depresión por parte de Médicos de Familia. Factores involucrados. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 24, 61-69.

Book Chapters

Garcia-Toro, M., Lopez-Navarro, E., & Gómez-Juanes, R. (2014). Interacciones entre estilo de vida y depresión. In Garcia-Toro, M. (coord), Estilo de vida y depresión (pp. 43-52 ). Madrid: Editorial Síntesis
Ibarra, O., Lopez-Navarro, E., & Garcia-Toro, M. (2014). Luz ambiental y artificial. In Garcia-Toro, M. (coord), Estilo de vida y depresión (pp. 91-94 ). Madrid: Editorial Síntesis
Congresses (excerpt)


Lopez-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., & Belver, M. (2014, June). Mindfulness en trastorno mental grave. In G. García-Cancio (Chair), Nuevas estrategias en Tratamiento Asertivo Comunitario. Symposium conducted at 11º Simposio Nacional sobre Tratamiento Asertivo Comunitario en Salud Mental, Hospital San Agustín de Avilés (Spain).

Paper presentation

López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., & Belber, M. (2015, May) Eficacia de un programa de mindfulness en pacientes con trastorno mental grave: una experiencia grupal. Paper presented at XV Jornadas ANPIR, Caixa Forum Madrid (Spain).
Munar, E., Gómez-Puerto, G., López-Navarro, E., & Nadal, M. (2014, Aug). Visual Preference for Curvature as a Potential Aesthetic Primitive. Paper presented at 22º Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical  Aesthetics, New York (USA)


López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Mayol, A., Fernández-Alonso, O., Gómez-Sánchez, G. (2016, Nov). Effectiveness of mindfulness over psychotic symptoms in a sample of severe mental illness patients: a pilot clinical trial. Poster presented at IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica, Santander (Spain).
López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Belver, M., & Lago, E. (2015, May). Executive function in Severe Mental Illness:a case-control study.  Poster presented at XV Jornadas ANPIR, Caixa Forum Madrid (Spain). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2501.3925
López-Navarro, E., Del Canto, C., Belver, M., & Lago, E. (2014, November). Relationship Between Symptoms And Psychological Well-Being In Severe Mental Illness Patients. Poster presented at VII Congreso Internacional de Psicología Clínica, Sevilla (Spain). DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3562.4647