New publication: “Infants’ performance in spontaneous-response false belief tasks: A review and meta-analysis”


Infant Behavior and Development has published our last paper, a review and meta-analysis,  led by Pamela Barone, Guido Corradi and Antoni Gomila:

Barone, P., Corradi, G., Gomila, A. (2019). Infants’ performance in spontaneous-response false belief tasks: A review and meta-analysis. Infant Behavior and Development, 57, 101350. [link]

New paper about aesthetic sensitivity to curvature

“Aesthetic sensitivity to curvature in real objects and abstract designs” has been published in Acta Psychologica.

Corradi, G., Belman, M., Currò, T., Chuquichambi, E. G., Rey, C., & Nadal, M. (2019). Aesthetic sensitivity to curvature in real objects and abstract designs. Acta Psychologica, 197, 124-130. Link

Robert Pepperell and EvoCog’s paintings exposition in the Casal Solleric


After a great start in the CaixaForum Palma, we are preparing our paintings exposition in the Casal Solleric, Paseo del Borne, 27, Palma. We will be ready to start tomorrow. Our paintings exposition also appeared in the  Diario de Mallorca: 


New paper: “The effects of presentation time on preference for curvature of real objects and meaningless novel patterns”.

New paper on British Journal of Psychology about aesthetics and preferences. This research was led by Guido Corradi and supervised by full professor Enric Munar.

Corradi, G., Rosselló-Mir, J., Vañó, J., Chuquichambi, E., Bertamini, M., & Munar, E. (2018). The effects of presentation time on preference for curvature of real objects and meaningless novel patterns. British Journal of psychology. Available here:


Lecture of Emilio López-Navarro PhD Thesis: “Person-Centered Approximation to Psychoses: Effectiveness and Outcomes”

Today we had Thesis Lecture of new Ph.D. Emilio López-Navarro. His Ph.D. supervisors were: Enric Munar Roca, Antoni Mayol Pou and Paul David John Chadwick. Congratulations for the Ph.D. and a great presentation with a great audience.

The event was held in Sala de Graus of Antoni Mª Alcover Building, UIB – Campus Universitari, at 11.00 o’clock.

Seminar activity about Action and Embodied Aesthetics

On Friday 16 of November, thanks to the visit of Beatriz Calvo-Merino —City University College London— and Guido Orgs —Goldsmiths University College London— we could enjoy a seminar activity about “Action and Embodied Aesthetics” at @UIBuniversitat

Beatriz Calvo-Merino presented “Neurocognitive mechanisms of Embodied Aesthetics”.

Guido Orgs presented “Joint action aesthetics in live dance performance”.

Place: Seminario de Psicología, Guillem Cifré i Colonya, Campus Universitari


EvoCog on the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress (IAEA). Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond

EvoCog was present in the IAEA congressConflict, Arousal, and Curiosity: Berlyne and Beyond. The congress took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Date: August 30 –  September 2, 2018

The smooth curvature effect in real paintings

Enric Munar RocaProfessor, University of the Balearic Islands

Musical and visual aesthetic sensitivity

Marcos Nadal. Professor, University of the Balearic Islands

Musical aesthetic sensitivity

Ana Sánchez ClementePh.D. Student, University of the Balearic Islands

Training to distinguish liking and beauty

Jiajia ChePh.D. Student, University of the Balearic Islands

The role of working memory in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings

Xiaolei SunPh.D. Student, University of the Balearic Islands

Presentation time on preference for curvature: real objects and meaningless novel patterns 

Guido CorradiPh.D. Student, University of the Balearic Islands