Investigador Senior (Minciencias, Colombia). Profesor Titular en Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (Medellín, Colombia).
Premio extraordinario del Doctorado en Cognición y Evolución Humana (Bienio 2011-2012).
PhD project: Effects of the time course of negative affective priming on moral judgment: the shortest the SOA, the lesser the severity
Universitat de les Illes Balears.
Lines of research: Implicit Cognition, Social perception, Moral psychology, Emotions, Cyberpsychology & Decision making.
Proyecto: Evaluación social de imágenes “Deepfake” generadas por IA. Proyecto vigente en colaboración con University of Sussex (UK), Università degli Studi di Torino (Italia), University of Jyväskylä (Finlandia).
Project: Uncanny Valley & Moral cognition (2018-present). Function: Principal Investigator (IP). In collaboration with Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
Project: Social perception & COVID-19 (2020-2023). Function: Principal Investigator (IP). In collaboration with Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
Project: Moral foundations and sexist attitudes in Colombia (2017).
In collaboration with Bielefeld University (Germany).
Project: Aesthetic preference and moral evaluation (2017).
In collaboration with Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Function: Principal Investigator (IP)
Project: Sex differences in implicit associations towards Facebook (2016)
In collaboration with the University of Valencia (UV, Spain) and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
Function: Principal Investigator (IP)
Project: Implicit attitudes towards violence in young offenders (2016)
Function: Principal Investigator (IP)
Project: Sexual stimuli and moral judgement (2015)
In collaboration with the University of Valencia and the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
Function: Principal Investigator (IP)
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Chuquichambi, E. G., & Ingram, G. P. (2024). An experimental study on the role of sociosexuality in judgements of perceived trustworthiness in a mobile dating-like interface. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Ansani., A. & Olivera-La Rosa., A. (2024). Moral inferences from androgynous faces are beyond categorical uncertainty: evidence of a positive bias toward androgynous targets. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1–16.
Corradi G, Aguilar P, Aguiar F, Olivera-La Rosa A (2024) Age and moral disgust: An experimental priming effects vignette study. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0295039.
Ingram, G.P.D., Chuquichambi, E.G., Jimenez-Leal, W. & Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2024) In masks we trust: explicit and implicit reactions to masked faces vary by political orientation. BMC Psychol 12, 68 (2024).
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Aristizábal, E., & Tapias Medina, Y. F. (2024). ¿Por qué somos tan susceptibles a los sesgos derivados de la percepción del rostro? [Editorial]. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 15(1), 13-19.
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Ayala, L., & Tamayo, R. (2024). When Being Unattractive Is an Advantage: Effects of Face Perception on Intuitive Culpability Judgments. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. DOI: 10.1080/13218719.2023.2260847
Olivera-La Rosa A, Amador O, Chuquichambi EG, Carmona-Cardona CA, Acosta-Tobón SA, Arango-Tobón OE, Villacampa J. (2023) Exploring the Relationship between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Implicit Attitudes toward Violence. Healthcare,11(10):1445.
Arango-Tobón OE, Guevara Solórzano A, Orejarena Serrano SJ, Olivera-La Rosa A. (2023) Social Cognition and Prosocial Behavior in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review. Healthcare; 11(10):1366
Saldarriaga, L., Olivera-La Rosa, A., & Bohner., G. (2023). Moral Foundations and Perceptions of Rape in Colombia. Revista de Psicología Social/International journal of social psychology.
Sarmiento, L. F., Ríos-Flórez, J. A., Paez-Ardila, H. A., Lima de Sousa, P. S., Olivera-La Rosa, A., Oliveira da Silva, A. M. H., & Gouveia Jr, A. (2023). Pharmacological Modulation of Temporal Discounting: A Systematic Review. In Healthcare (Vol. 11, No. 7, p. 1046).
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Chuquichambi, E.G., Carmona, C., Arango, O.E., Amador, O., Rosselló, J., & Ingram, G.P. (2021). The “Joker” laugh: Social judgments towards affective deviants in a sample of young offenders with callous unemotional traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 111148.
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Villacampa, J., Corradi, M., & Ingram, G.P. (2021). The Creepy, the Bad and the Ugly: Exploring perceptions of moral character and social desirability in uncanny faces. Current Psychology.
Olivera-La Rosa, A., & Chuquichambi, E.G., & Ingram, G.P. (2020) Keep your (social) distance: Pathogen concerns and social perception in the time of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences, 110200.
Arango-Tobón, O.E., Pinilla Monsalve, G., Olivera-La Rosa, A., Orejarena, S., & Carmona, C. (2020) Gender differences in the association between theory of mind, empathy and conduct disorder. Suma Psicológica, 27(1), 35-42.
Ingram, G.P., Enciso, M.I, Eraso, N., García, M.J., & Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2020) Looking for the right swipe: gender differences in self-presentation on Tinder profiles. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 17, 149-153. ARCTT – ISSN: 1554-8716.
Olivera-La Rosa, A., Arango-Tobón, O.E., & Ingram, G. P. (2019). Swiping right: Face perception in the age of Tinder. Heliyon, 5 (12), e02949.
Villacampa, J., Ingram, G., & Corradi, G., & Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2019). Applying an implicit approach to research on the uncanny feeling. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 16 (1), 11-22.
Arango, O.E.; Pinilla, G., Loaiza T., Puerta L., I., Olivera-La Rosa, A., Ardila,A., Matute, E., & Rosselli, M. (2019). Relación entre lenguaje expresivo y receptivo y habilidades prelectoras. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 50(3), 136-144. DOI:
Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2018). Wrong outside, wrong inside: A social functionalist approach to the uncanny feeling. New Ideas in Psychology, 50, 38-47.
Villacampa, J., Ingram, G., & Martí-Vilar, M., & Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2018). An investigation of Facebook users’ implicit associations between Facebook, sexual and prosocial behavior. Heliyon, 4 : e00811.
Martí-Vilar M, Iribarren Navarro, M.V., Grau, L., Olivera-La Rosa A (2018). Actitudes religiosas, valores y razonamiento moral prosocial en una muestra adolescente. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 9 (1), 146-166.
Olivera-La Rosa A, Villacampa J, Amador O, Corradi G, Munar E, & Rosselló J (2017). Implicit attitudes towards violence in a sample of adolescent offenders with conduct disorder. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Arango, O.E., Olivera-La Rosa, A., Restrepo, V., Puerta, L. (2017). Empathic skills and theory of mind in female adolescents with conduct disorder. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria.
Olivera La Rosa, A., Arango, O.E., & Martí, J.J. (2017). Aproximación a la automaticidad de los juicios evaluativos: Implicaciones de los errores en la atribución afectiva (affective misattribution) para la cognición social. Papeles del Psicólogo, 38(1),72-78
Olivera-La Rosa A, Corradi G, Villacampa J, Martí-Vilar M, Arango OE, Rosselló J (2016) Effects of Suboptimally Presented Erotic Pictures on Moral Judgments: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158690. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158690
Olivera La Rosa, A., Arango, O.E., & Martí, J.J. (2016). ¿Estrellas o constelaciones? Implicaciones de los estudios cognitivos para el modelo dimensional de la emoción. Escritos de Psicología, 9(2), 31-41. DOI: 10.5231/psy.writ.2016.1503
Olivera La Rosa, A., Villacampa González, J., & Sarmiento Rivera, L. F. (2015). Quan allò moral és emocional: aproximació dimensional a la naturalesa afectiva dels dilemes morals. Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia, 16(1), 127-137.
Olivera La Rosa, A. (2014). Deconstruyendo la mente moral: Cuando la evidencia habla. [Editorial] Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 5(2), 231-234.
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J. (2014). The new science of moral cognition: the state of the art. Anales de Psicología, 30(3)
Olivera La Rosa, A. (2014). La mente moral corporizada: aproximación a la naturaleza embodied de la cognición moral. Pensando Psicología, 9(16), 101-106.
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J. (2014) Aportaciones del estudio de la cognición implícita al ámbito de la psicología del consumidor: resultados y perspectivas. Papeles del Psicólogo, 35(1)
Flexas A, Rosselló J, Christensen JF, Nadal M, Olivera La Rosa A, & Munar,E. (2013) Affective Priming Using Facial Expressions Modulates Liking for Abstract Art. PLoS ONE 8(11): e80154. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080154
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J. (2013). On the relationship between disgust and morality: a critical review. Psicothema ;25(2):222-6
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J. (2012) Shocking moral judgments. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-28695-7
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rosselló-Mir, J., Munar Roca, E. & Caamaño Barreiro, B. (2012). Effects of the time-course of disgust priming on the severity of moral judgments: Lessest severity at the shortest SOA. En C. González Ferreras, D. González Manjón, J.M. Mestre Navas & Rocío Guil Bozal (eds.) Aportaciones recientes al estudio de la motivación y las emociones (pp. 92-97) Sevilla: Fénix Editora. ISBN: 978-84-940056-0-2
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rosselló-Mir, J., Caamaño Barreiro, B & Munar Roca, E. (2012). Suboptimal affective priming by disgust and horror pictures reduces the severity of moral judgments. A C. González Ferreras, D. González Manjón, J.M. Mestre Navas & Rocío Guil Bozal (eds.) Aportaciones recientes al estudio de la motivación y las emociones (pp. 110-115) Sevilla: Fénix Editora. ISBN: 978-84-940056-0-2
Cela-Conde, C.J.; Burges, L.; Nadal, M. & Olivera, A. (2009). Altruism and fairness: Unnatural selection? Comptes Rendus Palevo
Nadal, M., Barceló-Coblijn, L., Olivera, A., Christensen, J.F., Rincón-Ruíz, C., & Cela-Conde, C. (2009). Darwin’s Legacy: A comparative approach to the evolution of human derived cognitive traits. Ludus Vitalis
Nadal, M., Flexas, A., Christensen, J. F., Barceló-Coblijn, L. Olivera, A., Bustos, P., Rosselló, J. (2009). L’evolució de l’ésser humà. Pissarra. núm 133, p 16-20. [catalan]
Some recent presentations at conferences (2023-)
Olivera-La Rosa & Ansani., A (2024). Positive bias towards androgynous faces is independent of categorical uncertainity. 33rd International Congress of Psychology. Praga, REPÚBLICA CHECA.
Olivera-La Rosa & Ansani., A (2023). Evidence of a positive bias towards androgynous faces. 4th SEJyD meeting. Granada, ESPAÑA.
Olivera-La Rosa (2023). Evidence of negative bias towards affective deviants: an investigation in young offenders with callous unemotional traits. 11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. Granada, ESPAÑA.
Olivera-La Rosa, A, & Ansani. A. (2023). Explorando las bases perceptuales de los juicios sociales hacia los rostros andróginos: ¿“Lo andrógino es bueno”?. Congreso Colombiano de Psicología 2023. Pereira, COLOMBIA.
Olivera-La Rosa, A, & Ingram.G. (2023). Percepción social en tiempos de pandemia: un estudio en países de habla hispana. Congreso Colombiano de Psicología 2023. Pereira, COLOMBIA
Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2023). “Moralidad inquietante: Explorando la percepción social en rostros “uncanny””. XXXIX Congreso Interamericano de Psicología (CIP 2023). Asunción, PARAGUAY
Olivera-La Rosa, A. (2023). “Influencia de la sociosexualidad en la percepción social de rostros con filtros faciales”. XXXIX Congreso Interamericano de Psicología (CIP 2023). Asunción, PARAGUAY.
Collaborations with foreign research center:
International Scholar: Department of Social Psychology, University of Virginia (UVA) 2010-2011