e-Seminars 2020

Alex Galvez-Pol from Psychology Department in University of the Balearic Islands organizes e-Seminars 2020.

It consists of 5 seminars taught by different speakers from several countries on the latest international advances in psychology and neurosciences in different research fields.

These seminars will be presented by video-conference in a seminar room and the speaker and presentation most valued by participants will be awarded with a face-to-face oral communication in University of the Balearic Islands.

Time and place: 12.30pm. Classroom A02, Guillem Cifre building, University of the Balearic Islands.

Speakers and dates:

J. Picardo: Autolesiones, sucidio y redes sociales. 4th March

W. DeDoncker: Can altered effort explain Chronic fatigue? 18th March

L.E. Miller: Pushing boundaries: hand-held tools extend spatial coding of touch. 29th April

E. AI: Heart-brain interactions shape perception. 27th May

S. Abad: Respresentaciones neuronales de otros cuerpos en mi cerebro. 24th Juny


All welcome!

+info: a.galvez-pol@uib.es